A Special Opportunity exclusive to CNA Network of Specialty Groups!

Aug 24, 2016 | Holistic Nursing

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A Special Opportunity exclusive to CNA Network of Specialty Groups!


As the October 2016 offering of the Dorothy Wylie Health Leaders Institute approaches, CNA is eager to support Network specialty groups
who want to send delegates but face funding challenges.


Through our discussions with specialty group representatives, we have heard the following:

  • Developing leadership within network groups is a priority
  • There is an appetite among specialty groups to send representatives to the October 2016 DWHLI 5-day Institute
  • Funding is a barrier for most groups
  • While the Institute model calls for dyads of registrants, it is difficult for individual specialtygroups to identify/send more than one


To alleviate funding challenges for specialty groups, the CNA is offering $1,000 subsidies as a benefit for specialty group representatives
who attend the October 2016 Institute
. Instead of $3,950/participant, the cost will be $2,950/participant. This opportunity is intended for
specialty groups who are focused on building leadership capacity and working on a specialty group-related project.


In addition, the Institute faculty will work with any interested specialty groups to pair one representative with a representative from another
group, to form a dyad working to work on a leadership project. This means you don’t have to find 2 representatives from any one specialty
group to attend
 – which may further alleviate the financial burden.


This is an excellent opportunity to advance the leadership expertise among specialty group executives and members, and at the same time use
that knowledge to advance your Group’s specific goals and objectives.


As a concentrated program of study of leadership principles, models, behaviours, skills, and tools, the Dorothy Wylie Health Leaders Institute’s

2016 offering consists of a 5 day on-site session October 24-28th. Pre-work is focused on personal leadership development; post Institute

learning includes Harvard ManageMentor®, a premier on-demand learning and  performance support resource for leadership and

management skill development.


As well, facilitators will offer specialty group attendees focused coaching and mentoring on how to spread leadership learnings to members.


Register today! Call 416 426-7229 or [email protected].

We will be pleased to answer any questions you might have. For details, visit http://healthleadersinstitute.ca

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