When: Monday, August 14, 2023
Time: 3 PM PST / 6 PM EST / 7 PM AST
When: Friday, August18, 2023
Time: 11 AM PST / 2 PM EST / 3 PM AST
ZOOM: https://www.chna.ca/members-area/coffee-breaks/
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For the month of August, CHNA Coffee Breaks will be held on two dates! Join us for one or both!
August Coffee Breaks are an “open mic” space to explore holistic nursing. While the intent is to hold space for members to discuss holistic nursing, sometimes the question is, “Where do I begin?” If you are called to discover more, one beginning place is with yourself. Taking care of yourself is fundamental to the perspective of holistic nursing.
In nursing practice, we establish patient/client baseline assessments. Taking Dr. Kristen Neff’s self-compassion test (link below) gives your baseline of how well you are looking after yourself.
Let’s discuss what self-compassion means at our coffee breaks!
This is an Open Mic chat session hosted specifically for CHNA Members by Linda Yetman, CHNA Board Member.
Test how self-compassionate you are: