Holistic Nursing

Exercise is Medicine for People with Chronic Pain

Exercise is Medicine for People with Chronic Pain

The Integrative Health Seminar Series continues on June 12th, with a presentation on the topic of Exercise and Pain.   Exercise is Medicine for People with Chronic Pain   Learning Objectives: Identify and evaluate the relationship between pain and exercise....

Celebrate Holistic Nursing!

Celebrate Holistic Nursing!

Dear Colleagues, Celebrate Holistic Nursing! Please join the American Holistic Nurses Association as we celebrate nurses everywhere and the important work they do to advance health in our nation and in the global community. Thank you for practicing Holistic Nursing. ...

Let’s Make Waves – World Water Day 2018

Let’s Make Waves – World Water Day 2018

Let’s Make Waves - World Water Day 2018 Each year, March 22nd marks World Water Day, a day dedicated globally to acknowledge the importance of water.  Water is not only essential for life, but it also provides a host of health benefits.  As a Registered Nurse, I...

Relaxation Response and Resiliency Training

Relaxation Response and Resiliency Training

And Its Effect on Healthcare Resource Utilization James E. Stahl1,2,3*, Michelle L. Dossett1,4, A. Scott LaJoie6, John W. Denninger1,5, Darshan H. Mehta1,3, Roberta Goldman1, Gregory L. Fricchione1,5, Herbert Benson1 1 MGH Benson-Henry Institute, Massachusetts General...