Holistic Nursing

Are You Ready for a Retreat?

Are You Ready for a Retreat?

Our YogaNurse team will be at the Kripalu Center for lucky year seven in May! Have you thought about joining us in the past? Get education, vacation + inspiration and 10 Nursing CEUs. Is this your year? Click here to find out more and register. Register Today Honored...

A simple way to break a bad habit

A simple way to break a bad habit

Judson Brewer at TEDMED 2015 Can we break bad habits by being more curious about them? Judson Brewer, MD, PhD, Director of Research at the Center for Mindfulness and Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School...

Incorporating Therapeutic Touch into Practice

Bruce Lipton on YouTube

I am interested in getting some interesting dialogue going on this short YouTube clip by Bruce Lipton.  He is a Cellular Biologist who wrote the book called The Biology of Belief.  It will likely take more than one viewing.  He talks fast and there is a lot of...

Writing on the Blog

Writing on the Blog

I am so pleased to now have space available to you that you know is available only to CHNA members.  One of the many reasons people join CHNA is to be able to communicate with like-minded people. Once we have everyone who is a member logged in on the site, we will...