We are excited to announce that starting on Monday, August 14, 2023, CHNA will host on-going Coffee BREAKS!

We are excited to announce that starting on Monday, August 14, 2023, CHNA will host on-going Coffee BREAKS!
The CHNA Annual General Meeting was a success! We were able to accomplish the work we set out to do, including some bylaws adjustments and welcoming 2 new Board Members: Dana Clay our new Treasurer, & Linda Yetman who will be facilitating CHNA Coffee Break...
CHNA Members Please Join us for our Annual General Meeting June 11 2023 @ 10am PST Access ZOOM LINK Here 15 Voting Members are required to attend in order to meet quorum and vote on the important work of supporting holistic nursing in Canada. Please come...
Enjoy the SPRING Edition of your CHNA Newsletter!
Exploring the Unconscious Mind through Dream Work …
Join us May 31 @ 10am PST with Linda Yetman to explore the significance of dreams, especially for nurses (do nurses dream differently from others?!), how to recall your dreams and an experiential demonstration.
You don't need to be a member to watch this webinar. Video Link: https://youtu.be/pnPMsL-iHNQ Calling all Student Nurses and Educators!! Join us May 16/23 @ 4pm PST for our Special Presentation for Nursing Students: What is Holistic Nursing? This webinar will help...
The Canadian Holistic Nurses Association Call for Elections 2023 The CHNA is looking for nominations for the positions of Vice President, Treasurer, and Director (1). You can access all necessary documents to nominate yourself or someone else in the Members...
Join us April 12 @ 9am PST with Nicole Porter LPN. Through the Teachings of the Medicine Wheel and 7 Sacred Teachings, Nicole is bringing back her language and culture to her community as a way of healing.
The Winter Newsletter is Here!
Are you a holistic nurse who would like to contribute to future publications? Let us know!
Join us March 15/23 @ 9am PST as Kala Sanmartin BScN RN CCHNC discusses her holistic independent practice: The Cannabis Nurses