Comprehensive Holistic Nurse & Coaching Certificate Program
Offered in September and April yearly!
Applications taken year-round; visit the Education page of our website today!
Holistic Nursing as a speciality is grounded in the teachings of Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) who believed that nursing comprised more than just the treatment of disease and/or symptoms.
At TheCIINDE (pronounced the kind), it is our mission to nurture and support nurses who are ready for a mind shift, who know their way of being and approach to nursing is changing and expanding, and who are searching for a safe brave community to explore, challenge, and elevate their nursing vision for the future.
Connect with us today if you are a Registered Nurse, Licensed/Registered Practical Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Educator or Midwife interested in…
- making a shift in your personal health and wellbeing using a holistic approach and mindset
- shifting your focus to one that fosters and promotes holistic health & wellness
- learning unique empowering coaching skills that promote autonomy
- connecting with authentic presence
- being a facilitator of healing for yourself and others
- facilitating wholeness and balance for self and others
- joining other like-minded nurses in being agents of change
- enhancing your practice in virtually any practice setting
- starting an independent practice as a holistic health and wellness nurse coach and/or a nurse coach in your area of expertise
We also offer
- courses to enhance personal and professional lives in specific areas, such as spirituality, independent practice and holistic nutrition.
Visit The CIINDE at