December Webinar

Nov 22, 2022 | Holistic Nursing

 Seasons Greetings from the CHNA Board

Join us December 15  @ 11am PST 

As we get ready for the season’s activities, we are also working hard to meet our goals in supporting our members and the public to ensure the practice of Holistic Nursing is known and understood.

Bring your questions and comments and find out what we are planning for the New Year 2023.

The Canadian Holistic Nurses Association is here for YOU: Members & non-Members. We will grow with YOUR input. We are happy to find resources and develop our website and communication platforms to meet YOUR needs.

We look forward to meeting you on Dec 15th!

Webinar Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 848 2394 1896      Passcode: 393269

Please consider becoming a CHNA member. Join today!

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