Being February, cross country skiing is a favourite activity. When I help people find their intuitive knowing through workshops, I often have asked people to go for a walk to find answers in nature. It comes in various ways to people.
Personally I find that often nature and the outdoors speak to me through metaphors. Recently when skiing, I was finding myself on some trails that posed a bit of a challenge to me. If I worried about landing off the trail and into a creek or trees, my body took me there and I would fall in advance to protect myself . I watched myself and noticed how what I was doing resembled our travels on life’s path.
Before long I realized that as long as I could be disciplined enough to keep my eyes focused on the trail ahead where I wanted to be, my body could brilliantly take me there.
Next time I faced a challenging hill, I made a point of looking at the trail where I wanted to go. Oh I was so strongly tempted to let my eyes go to the object I feared and whenever I succumbed, my body took me to the very thing I feared.
As long as I kept focused on the path I wanted to choose, I was able to competently follow my eyes. I now use this metaphor when facing some challenges in life. I acknowledge the things I fear but find that by focusing my attention on where I want to go, I get there.
If you have some examples of metaphors from nature and the outdoors, perhaps you will share them with me and I will post them on this site for others to read.
I look forward to hearing from you.