Please see the Bursary Criterea at the bottom of this page for relevant information.
Bursary Criteria
$1000 TheCIINDE Comprehensive Holistic Nurse, Nurse Coach & Consultant Certificate Program awarded in the name of the CHNA for the benefit of a CHNA Member with these points in mind:
- CHNA Member: licensed / CHNA Ex / AHNA Chapter (existing or new; must maintain for duration of the program )
- Has not won a CHNA /TheCIINDE Bursary in the previous year
- No need for financial means test
- Available for the Fall Semester of each Calendar year
4 x $500 Education/Conference Attendance Bursaries:
- CHNA Member: licensed / CHNA Ex / AHNA Chapter (existing or new; must maintain for duration of the course/conference)
- Has not won a CHNA bursary in the previous year
- No need for financial means test
- Holistic education/training program/workshop or conference
- Reflects the CHNA Mission and Vision
- Must be for other than TheCIINDE Comprehensive Holistic Nurse, Nurse Coach & Consultant Certificate Program