CHNA Bursary Application Form

Please see the Bursary Criterea at the bottom of this page for relevant information.

    Membership Level:

    Note: existing or new, membership must be maintained for duration of bursary program.

    Are you currently a licensed nurse in good standing in your Province?


    Two bursaries are available:

    1. $1000 Bursary towards The Canadian Institute of Integrative Nursing Development & Education LTD. Comprehensive Holistic Nurse, Nurse Coach & Consultant Certificate
      Program (Fall cohort)

      Deadline for submission: Oct 15
      Random draw date of eligible applicants: Oct 20

      Note: Please contact TheCIINDE directly to apply for their program, as this is required to be considered for the Bursary. CHNA will advise TheCIINDE of your bursary application.

    2. $500 Quarterly CHNA Bursary

      April, July, October, & January
      Deadlines for submission: April 15 / July 15 / Oct 15 / January 15
      Random draw date of eligible applicants: April 30 / July 31 / October31 / January 31

    Please indicate the Bursary you are applying for:

    Quarterly CHNA Bursary Applicants Only:

    For which Month are you applying?

    Please describe the course/conference you wish to attend. How will you utilize these teachings/skills in your practice and own life to support the concepts of Holistic Nursing? Feel free to attach additional information to this application by emailing us (please include the subject line Additional Quarterly CHNA Bursary Information).

    By signing this bursary application,

    • I acknowledge that I have read the Bursary Criteria and will provide proof of registration & participation in course/conference.

    • I also agree that if I do not complete the course/conference, I am responsible for reimbursing the Canadian Holistic Nurses Association for the full amount of the bursary I receive.

    • I also agree that I will provide a short presentation (in writing or webinar) for the CHNA on completion of the course/conference for Member information purposes.

    Bursary Criteria

    $1000 TheCIINDE Comprehensive Holistic Nurse, Nurse Coach & Consultant Certificate Program awarded in the name of the CHNA for the benefit of a CHNA Member with these points in mind:

    1. CHNA Member: licensed / CHNA Ex / AHNA Chapter (existing or new; must maintain for duration of the program )
    2. Has not won a CHNA /TheCIINDE Bursary in the previous year
    3. No need for financial means test
    4. Available for the Fall Semester of each Calendar year

    4 x $500 Education/Conference Attendance Bursaries:

    1. CHNA Member: licensed / CHNA Ex / AHNA Chapter (existing or new; must maintain for duration of the course/conference)
    2. Has not won a CHNA bursary in the previous year
    3. No need for financial means test
    4. Holistic education/training program/workshop or conference
    5. Reflects the CHNA Mission and Vision
    6. Must be for other than TheCIINDE Comprehensive Holistic Nurse, Nurse Coach & Consultant Certificate Program
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