My journey into holistic nursing….

Leah Weisberg, RN BScN BC-NC, President, Canadian Holistic Nurses Association

Leah Weisberg, RN BScN BC-NC, President, Canadian Holistic Nurses Association

After almost of decade in the nursing profession I decided to take time some time off work to focus on my family. Although a formidable task, I had a yearning to continue in my profession of choice in some manner or another.

The concept of coaching always spoke to me. Having had difficulties changing ingrained habits, I always sought innovative ways to help me change my behaviour patterns in a way that would be long lasting.

One afternoon after putting my baby to sleep, I did a simple google search, “nurse” + “coach” and from that moment on my life was changed forever.

What I thought was my own brilliant combination of professions was actually an entire specialty area of nursing already reverberating through the United States of America. The google search brought up program after program of possibilities where I could get certification in this specialty.

After attending the International Nurse Coaching Association’s comprehensive 120 hour certification program, I certified with the American Holistic Credentialing Corporation as a Board Certified Nurse Coach.

What I also learned, is that holistic nursing is also a specialty of its own. The program that I completed allows me to sit for both the nurse coaching and holistic nurse exam, which I hope to complete next year.

While completing my certification process I joined the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA). A superb association with a plethora of benefits to help me stay on top of current information in the area of holistic and integrative healthcare practice, education and research. I get to my home every month the Beginnings Magazine full of insightful and useful articles, I receive the Journal of Holistic Nursing with the most current research cited, and I hear about every upcoming event and program in North America related to my specialty of interest.

With the excitement brewing as I enjoyed these benefits, it wasn’t long before I led myself down the path of becoming president of the Canadian Holistic Nurses Association, an international chapter of the AHNA. Since taking on this role in January 2019 I have met such wonderful and inspiring nurse colleagues, attended many different holistic and integrative healthcare events, and most of all – have found a home where I can bring awareness and advocate for the ones who really matter, the patients in our care.

It is with much pride that I say that we, the nursing profession, are making tremendous strides to make sure all Canadian healthcare recipients are treated as a whole person, are given all the options necessary to eliminate and prevent symptoms of disease, which includes, but is not limited to, complimentary and alternative modalities, and finally where the healthcare practitioners honour their own self-care in order to provide a healing environment for their patients.

Lastly, I found a specialty where I can run an independent nursing practice on my own hours, while coming home for an early dinner with my children.

I know a lot of you out there are certifying in holistic modalities, practicing on your friends, family and yourselves. I also know that you also have the same vision as CHNA, to be able to offer the most comprehensive, safe and affordable healthcare to your patients.

It’s by becoming a member of CHNA that you learn about the different education options, network with like minded professionals, learn about different modalities that we can use to help our patients, and finally, help us increase our voice – saying that every Canadian healthcare consume deserves integrative, whole-person, and relationship-based healthcare treatment.

And if your still not sure then set up a complimentary 15 minute phone call with me to talk it over, I’m certain you will find you will be sold. Book here:

Leah Weisberg, RN BScN BC-NC is the current President of the Canadian Holistic Nurses Association. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from McMaster University in 2007 and currently has a private holistic psychotherapy & coaching practice, and is Director of Clinical Services at Dynamic Health Collaborative – an integrative healthcare clinic in Toronto that offers team based whole person care for those with mental health conditions and stress-related chronic disease. She is also a proud mom of 3 kids ages 8, 6 and 2. She can be reached at [email protected]

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