One Million in One Year
Indigenous nurses are often the first point of contact and only health care providers in indigenous communities. With an increased sensitivity to the cultural dimension of health care needs and services, these nurses are critical to patients and families leading healthier and happier lives. Canada currently does not have enough Indigenous nurses to meet the health care needs in these communities.
The recent Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada highlighted the need for a commitment to improve the health and education of Indigenous people.
CNF plans to raise one million in one year to support Indigenous nursing, with a focus on education, research and mentorship.
CNF believes that working in partnership with others such as foundations, the Indigenous nursing community, award recipients, professional associations like the Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada, and other stakeholders, will help to improve Indigenous health care.
Since 2009, the Canadian Nurses Foundation, in partnership with other organizations, has funded Indigenous nursing education and research that has helped nurses learn, investigate and advance innovation and leading healthcare practices in response to the needs of Indigenous communities.