University of British Columbia
School of Population and Public Health
A panel on Traditional Medicine in Contemporary World
Tuesday, 10:00-12:00, June 14, 2016
Venue: SPPH
Traditional medicine across the globe is going through a process of massive transformation. Because of the rise of new movement in the West as well as in the east there is an emerging demand for traditional medicine and alternative health care. As response to this global demand traditional medicine has entered into a new phase of commodification, assimilation, and integration. This panel will address how various traditional medical systems are practiced in contemporary world and that includes Ayurveda, Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, yoga, naturopathy, and so on.
Individual papers are invited from traditional medicine practitioners, scholars, academics, researchers, service providers and policy makers.
Each presenter will get 15 minutes for oral presentation followed by Q/A
Presented papers are aiming to publish in a special journal issue or edited book depending on the number of papers.
Please submit your presentation title preferably with 150 words abstract by May 25, 2016.
Submission Contact:
Dr. Nazrul Islam
Visiting Associate Professor, School of population and Public Health
University of British Columbia, Email: [email protected]
An initiative of the UBC Canada-India Maternal and Infant Health Collaboration (CIMIHC)